You are invited to attend the SB annual meeting in the Kingwater Room Brampton Community Centre from 7pm on 28th March. Please let me know ( if you can come or send apologies. Documents will be provided to anyone who has registered.
Programme for the evening:
Light refreshments
Minutes of last annual (held in 2019!) meeting
Matters arising
Chairman’s annual report (including financial statement)
Election of officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer
Election of Co-ordinating Group members
Discussion on support to Sustainable Brampton and Brampton2Zero followed by a vote on next steps for food/gardening initiatives. Below are recordings of 2 recent webinars relevant to the discussion that you might like to view before this event.
The ‘Wonderful Wormeries’ webinar recording is here Wormeries-webinar-Garden-Organic
‘The Future Of Food In Cumbria’ recording of this full day seminar is here LINK TO RECORDING.
Saturday 12 Mar – Gardening give 'n' take joins Penrith Repair Café. From 10am to 1pm at The Old Fire Station, Penrith CA11 8HY. Seedy Saturday get free seeds, plants and gardening equipment at this annual giveaway event, and bring along any spare gardening goods for others to make good use of them. Your own gardening tools may be repaired/maintained in the Repair Café at the same time!
If you're new to gardening and growing, drop in and have a chat with one of the experienced gardeners who'll be on hand to answer your questions. You'll also be able to talk to the Master Composters and get advice on making your own compost.
Sunday 13 Mar - Local Tree planting with B2Z. From 10am at the Heugh near Walton on Sunday. Please contact Lulu Guinness at if you would like to take part. Simple lunch provided.
Thursday 7 April – ‘Landscapes for Nature Recovery’ online Conference. Details and booking through Enquiries, please contact
Sunday 10 April – ‘Brampton 2 Zero’ launch. Sustainable Brampton’s partner organisation B2Z has a smart new logo and website here new website. Do take a look and sign up for their newsletter. You are also invited to the official launch on Sunday 10th April. Click here to be sent full details. B2Z’s aim is to build a dynamic and determined community of volunteers to tackle climate change, increase resilience and reduce our carbon footprint – a worthy gift for the next generations of Brampton.
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